Welcome cohort 16 to the Master’s Program at Tilburg University

We will start the year with the introduction meeting on Monday August 28 from 9.30 until 10:30 in C187 (Cobbenhagen building)

In the introduction meeting we will briefly look ahead at things you can expect during this master’s program. We introduce the different courses and the lecturers. The education coordinator, the career service officer, and our study association Asset | SBIT will introduce themselves to you, to make you feel at home in the master IMMIT program. Please note that this meeting is the real start of your master, so don’t miss it!

A warm welcome to cohort 17, starting in Aix !

In September, cohort 17 will begin their IMMIT journey starting in Aix-en-Provence, France. We welcome a group of over 20 students from the Netherlands, France, Finland and other countries! Hopefully this extraordinary group will have an amazing time during the upcoming two years. Best of luck to cohort 17!

🚀 WEBINAR – International Master in management of IT on April 26 – 6pm to 7pm (UTC+01:00)

IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management organises a webinar to present the IMMIT Programme!

Are you a student or a young professional with a scientific or management background (Bachelor+)? Consider our World Class Master IMMIT!

Please register via: > REGISTER HERE

LinkedIn: Event: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7054449656872738816/

During our Webinar, you will interact with:

  • Pr. Jocelyn Husser, Program’s Academic co-director, on the added value of this program from an academic and professional perspective Profil
  • Lisa Janssen (Current student) Profile
  • Mariana Tesovic, Recruitment Manager at IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management about the application process, fees and grants Profile
  • Pr. Emiel Caron,  Program’s Academic co-director, on the added value of this program from an academic and professional perspective
  • Moderator: Frédéric TONTON, administrative coordinator or the IMMIT program

Join the IMMIT Webinar on the 8th of December 2022, 17:00h CET!

Are you a student or a young professional with a scientific or management background (Bachelor+)? Consider our World Class Master IMMIT?

Join the IMMIT Webinar, you will interact with:

  • Pr. Jocelyn Husser, Program’s Academic co-director, on the added value of this program from an academic and professional perspective Profile
  • Half Scheidl (Alumni),  Business Area Manager – AI, Analytics and Data at H&M Group (Stockholm, Sweden) Profile
  • Lisa Janssen (Current Student) Profile
  • Mariana Tesovic, Recruitment Manager at IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management about the application process, fees and grants Profile
  • Moderator: Véronique Moncada, in charge of the International Development at IAE Aix-Marseille Profile

LinkedIn Event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/joinourimmitprogramme-atripleeu7001558413348323328/

Best Thesis Award 2022

Like every year, the best thesis award was awarded at the graduation ceremony in Aix-en-Provence. This year’s winner is Laura Arias, with thesis subject ‘Initiating a continuous process mining implementation.’, which she wrote during her graduation internship at Philips Domestic Appliances. Congratulations!

Thesis Elyas Razawi

Abstract: There are many different strategic objectives in managing an acquisition. One of the objectives that have grown in importance in recent years is the digital component of an acquisition. Especially in IT-driven acquisitions, spotting digital value levers and developing transformative capabilities help unlock more value from M&A. However, developing these digital dynamic capabilities in the context of M&A is novel and only practised by the most innovative firms.

This paper aims to uncover what role the digital dynamic capabilities play in the pre-signing phase of an IT-driven acquisition and whether there are any advantageous digital dynamic capabilities for IT-driven acquisitions. This thesis focuses on solving these questions by conducting informed grounded theory by studying multiple cases with semi-structured interviews and an extensive literature review.

From the analyses of the interviews and a confirmation of the validating focus group, insights into critical and supportive digital dynamic capabilities for the pre-signing phase of an IT-driven deal have been found, and a select few capabilities are picked to build a new theoretical model, namely formulating digital strategies, conducting IT due diligence, analysing the financial value of IT, leveraging digital knowledge inside the firm and external recruiting of digital expertise. These and other supporting digital dynamic capabilities are essential in unlocking value from IT-driven acquisitions.