The video above is a presentation given by dr. Emiel Caron and a student of IMMIT. It contains information about the master of IMMIT, and some experiences shared by the student. If preferred, you are able to skip through the video and only watch the sections that you are interested in.
Prof. Dr. Patrick Rosseau on IMMIT
Master class Information Management by Prof. Dr. Henk Akkermans
Students and lecturers on Studying Information Management at Tilburg University
Students and Alumni on IMMIT
William Cornello on why he studied IMMIT and his overal experience
Lisa Ratz on why she studied IMMIT and her overal experience
Mahri Charyyeva on why she studied IMMIT and her overal experience
Mayor Minna Arve on studying and working in Turku
Unveiling of the CUBE, Tilburg University’s newest building